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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Free o.b. Tampons for Girls ONLY! :)

Guys, Don't read this!
Women read-only.
I don't prefer tampons, but it's free. Some girls and ladies prefer pads (like me), and others prefer tampons for their ease and maximum protection. Heard of o.b. before? I did, but not that familiar with the brand. I heard that o.b. tampons are so small that you won't know that it's there, hahaha.
Don't yuck this, you know you want to get it for free!
Click on the image to get to the registration page:

o.b. tampon trial pack! They're so cuuuute!~
If you encounter this:
"Error. The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request."
Copy&paste this url manually please:  https://www.obtampons.com/mightysmall/en/register.jsp


Lyon said...

lol thanks, im getting this for my girlfriend