It's currently only available in some states in US."SafeLink Wireless is a government supported program
that provides a free cell phone and airtime each
month for income-eligible customers."
You need verification though. You can't just sign up and expect to get a free cellphone.
How to Qualify
The process to qualify for Lifeline Service depends on the State you live in. In general, you may qualify if...
1. You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.
2. Your total household income is at or below of the poverty guidelines set by your State and/or the Federal Government.
3. No one in your household currently receives Lifeline Service through another phone carrier.
4. You have a valid United States Postal Address. In order for us to ship you your free phone you must live at a residence that can receive mail from the US Post Office. Sorry, but P.O. Boxes cannot be accepted.
In addition to meeting the guidelines above you will also be required to provide proof of your participation in an assistance program, or proof of your income level.
Information about Safelink Wireless.
As of October 2009, SafeLink has over 2 million customers and is available in 31 states - Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Today, there are over 1,700 companies in the United States currently providing discounted telephone service. But, thanks to its extensive outreach promoting SafeLink, TracFone Wireless is one of the largest providers of Lifeline services in the United States, second only to AT&T.
For more information: Click here or call 1-800-SAFELINK.
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